A Quick Covid Note

Times are challenging. It’s important to take care of what matters now and to stay in touch with three things:

Happiness Keeping your spirits up helps beat fear, depression and so much more.

The Future A sense of a bright future will help. To travel, start planning now! Read travel books and blogs, watch videos, picture yourself where you want to go . You’ll feel happier. Even if you don’t want to travel, learning about other places, cultures and their ways is expansive and uplifting.

Do you want to learn a language? But it seems hard or impossible?
Locked Gate

Up till now all methods required lots of study, work and tedious repetition. They take so much time and when you arrive at your destination you realize how little you learned in all those months. You ask a question you’ve rehearsed “Excuse me sir, can you please recommend a cafe?” Someone answers. At 100 kilometers an hour. Not paying any attention to the few hundred words you are so proud to know. You duck into a Starbucks and sulk.

That’s All Changed

Lingua Tovah is not language learning . There is no studying, repetition, writing, reading or endless hours wrestling “easy” systems. Don’t their marketers write great copy and use fun smiling stock photos? Lingua Tovah is about absorbing a language. It’s by far the easiest way to become multi-lingual, guaranteed. Well, unless of course you were raised in a multi-lingual home. Lucky you!

Lingua Tovah is Completely Different

Lingua Tovah is the only language absorption method anywhere. To start absorbing the language, simply sleep with our proprietary highly energized system, a translation dictionary and other books which will help you speak Français, TiếngViệt, Deutsche, 普通话 or any other language. Do this for a month and you’ll soak up the language like dry earth soaks up spring showers. Less time will work somewhat, more time is even better and you’ll have the chance to add more cultural and other maerials of interest.

Just One More Step and You’re There

Then go to the country you’ve chosen and surround yourself with the language in the background all day for one week. It’s also possible, though harder, by keeping language TV or radio on at home for two weeks. During this time listen intently to conversations for at least one hour a day. No need to try and understand what you hear, just listen and absorb. Your language flowers will sprout as you start to understand what is being said. Slowly, then at a faster pace, you’ll be speaking the language. All without studying. Congratulations! And all you did was absorb. What language comes next?

How Fluent Will I Be?

If the material you sleep with is fairly complete, including grammar, pronunciation and such you will be able to understand and speak fluently at about a 9th grade level. It doesn’t get any easier. Higher levels of fluency will come over time. Reading and writing will also come over time especially if the language’s appearance is similar to your native one. Things like hidden meanings, cultural nuances and humor will take longer as they are hard to put in a book, but you’ll have a head start like you wouldn’t believe.

Is This Guaranteed?
Satisfaction Seal

You bet! If at any time within one year you change your mind, just return your purchase and you will receive a 100% refund. Your payment is secure as we use Paypal for our credit card processing and have been with them for another website since 2001.

How Does Lingua Tovah Work?

Crystals are amazing energy workers to help civilization. They were on the Old Testament Tabernacle and the Breastplate of the High Priest for their energy.

Our highly energized marble piece (pictured below) with its intricate crystal matrix and special empowerment does the work. This sophisticated proprietary crystal empowerment process can be likened to a computer being programmed, but it is done with special meditation by energy work masters.

To understand it more in depth would take PhD level courses in chi, crystals and how they affect us. Fortunately experience is more important than theory. Can anyone explain exactly how love works?

History of Information Absorption

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is often called the Father of Holistic Medicine. He didn't have time to read everything he needed to learn so he slept with his head on books. He not only absorbed their information, but actually memorized it.

Many people have tried to create a system to do this but up till now haven’t succeeded. Energy workers at Lingua Tovah worked for years to make the bridge by energizing (programming) the crystals in small marble tiles to enable sleep learning languages.

How Much Does it Cost?

That depends. How much is this worth to you? We both build bridges to bring the world together, and we are a business. Financially we work on a pay what you feel is appropriate and can afford it basis. If $5, $20, $200 or $2,000 or more is right for you, that's your price. We donate this language system to low income areas and money to worthy causes, more on that below. Corporate prices are higher.

Shipping is $5 in the US and $15-20 everywhere else, per order, delivered by first class mail.

What’s Included?

Our easy to use high energy language absorption system and pouch (designs vary). To keep it light and easy to travel with the marble piece is 50 mm (two inches) in diameter.


A cotton drawstring bag (designs vary)

A multi-lingual life: easier travel and business plus of course, more fun and experiencing cultures in depth!

What’s Not Included?

A translation dictionary and other materials your language needs. You can pick these up at a book store or on the web. It’s best to use recent ones which include technology words so you can not only say say things like “I need a three meter USB cable for my backup hard drive please” but also understand the response. Good luck with that if you used one of the free or even pricey programs!

What Are the Limitations?

There are limits. If you sleep with the materials for less than a month or you’re travelling for less than a week to a language region this won’t help as much, though you will find benefit.

If you listen to podcasts and such in your target language you can partially make up for this.

What Does Beta Mean?

When more real world testing is needed that phase is called beta. So in purchasing Lingua Tovah we ask for a small amount of feedback.

There are some things we don't know, like how long it will take someone already living in an area to pick up the language. Or if they are just going to be overseas for a two day business trip, will it really help to listen to target language podcasts before they go, or is more complete immersion needed.

One of the advantages of buying during a beta phase is introductory pricing.

How Much Time Will That Take?

We won’t ask much of you, just answering a few short questionaires... things like what language you are absorbing, what books and other source materials you are using, how well you feel it is working and what questions you have.

Why is this page so short? I want to know more

Our system is simple. There just isn’t much to say except “It works.” So we kept the explanation simple. First order so you can start absorbing a new language, have more fun and build bridges! Then use the time you didn’t have to spend reading a long website for something fun. Read a book, watch a movie, play with your kids or take a long walk.

What’s the Catch?

You may find it hard to believe this is real, but it's a thing of understanding and familiarity. How can tardigrades live in all those environments? Look them up, they are amazing. We don't know how anesthesia and Tylenol work. Try understanding gravity.

When telephones, TV, airplanes, computers and other wonders were becoming known, many people didn't believe they were real and wondered about the early adopters. Over time of course they joined in. Early adopters are the icebreaker ships, moving forward where others can't, but other ships follow in their path.

Which type of ship are you?


We aren't a non-profit yet but we are already building bridges and healing the world. Part of this is keeping pricing fair for everyone. Our regular price range for individuals is $225-495 (or more if you find it appropriate). If you can't afford that, we accept less, as low as $5 from those of incredibly low income. Multiple quantities to the same person or address are for at least $225 each. Our corporate price is $495 minimum.

We donate Lingua Tovah to schools and other groups in very low income areas overseas and offer school pricing in affluent countries. Requests are invited. We also donate financially to the Earth Meridian Restoration Project which is rebuilding earth's chi (vital life force energy) meridians to restore health and sanity to our dear planet. Your fair purchase price makes this all possible.

A lifetime of unlimited easy language absorption is worth US$
We accept and Paypal
Quantity can be increased at check-out